Awwwwww, hello my dears!
I wanna say big [THANK YOU] for all my readers, include new ones ♥ in spite of long non-posting you are still here
Well, the day after tomorrow I'll fly back home from Moscow, but now I have a bit free time, so I decided to write some words and show you some pics
Well, what shall I begin from? hmmm
The Moscow is an amazing city, I love it 100% of my heart, The one bad thing is expensive buses (>_<) In my place bus-tickets are cheaper in 2 times
Of course I visited The Red Square
one more cute thing was I and my friend met japanese people!!! *lol*
They was really surprised when I started to talk with them at japanese \(^w^)/
Also I took some purikura pics with friends
Russian purikura is kinda old.....
So, I met lots my friends and I fell happy. Now I have not so much photos, but if u want when I'll be home I'll show you more
Also, check out this post please ♥ About my meeting with Maya
In the end - my favourite pic
wait for the next posts about my holidays in Moscow~♥
I wanna say big [THANK YOU] for all my readers, include new ones ♥ in spite of long non-posting you are still here
Well, the day after tomorrow I'll fly back home from Moscow, but now I have a bit free time, so I decided to write some words and show you some pics
Well, what shall I begin from? hmmm
The Moscow is an amazing city, I love it 100% of my heart, The one bad thing is expensive buses (>_<) In my place bus-tickets are cheaper in 2 times
Of course I visited The Red Square
one more cute thing was I and my friend met japanese people!!! *lol*
They was really surprised when I started to talk with them at japanese \(^w^)/
Also I took some purikura pics with friends
Russian purikura is kinda old.....
So, I met lots my friends and I fell happy. Now I have not so much photos, but if u want when I'll be home I'll show you more
Also, check out this post please ♥ About my meeting with Maya
In the end - my favourite pic
wait for the next posts about my holidays in Moscow~♥
Aww! So cool. I live in Moscow :) I wait next your post about your holidays in Moscow and I wait photos!
ОтветитьУдалитьP.S. You have AMAZING eyes.
Спасибо большое))
ОтветитьУдалитьЯ в принципе свободна завтра утром, можно погулять xDDD lol
а то мне не с кем последний день отдыха провести напиши мне, если хочешь)
Я бы с удовольствием, но сейчас я на даче и вряд ли в скором времени смогу в Москву подъехать.
Удалитьа, вот оно как)
ОтветитьУдалитьКруто так, я завиидую тебе) Правда, Москва потрясающий город, хоть я его и не очень люблю. А пурикура наверное вообще класс) тоже так хочу)
ОтветитьУдалитьой да ладно)) зато я на море не была, буду видно дома загорать
ОтветитьУдалитьПурикура честно говоря гавнище, но тут даже не в картинках дело, а то что там "ручки" которыми оформляешь(вечно это слово забываю ==) жутко тупят.
Если бы желтизной не отдавали кратинки,то в целом было бы мило)) и больше фонов и няшных штампиков >U<