суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

oh I'm so tired , today was really hot
I first meet JunJun and he is really nice and funny person!
All this week I was at home and my teachers mad at me (>___<) Bitches, made my mood down
Unfortunatly instead of prepairing for exam I learned kanji xDDD omg omg

I feel myself upset because of school problems, but I'm trying keep calm
The 29th of May I have the 1st exam. KMP
well well, everything gonna be ok, so....
I wear my jacket! ♥ love it SO much


My breakfast lol xDDDD
and at the end, my nails  

1 комментарий:

  1. я тоже обычно вместо всякой ненужной ерунды учу японский)
